JEE Main 2022 Syllabus for Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics |

JEE Main 2022 Syllabus:

NTA has released the syllabus for both B.E/B. Tech and B.Arch & B.Planning courses, which are:

For B.E/B.Tech:

1. Mathematics

2. Physics

3. Chemistry

For B.Arch/B.Plan:

1. Mathematics

2. Aptitude

3. Drawing (for B.Arch)

4. Planning based questions (for B.Plan)


Units Topic
Unit 1: Sets, relations, and functions - Sets and their representation
- Union, intersection, and complement of sets and their algebraic properties
- Power set; Relation, Types of relations, equivalence relations, functions; One-one, into and onto functions, the composition of functions
Unit 2: Complex numbers and quadratic equations - Complex numbers as ordered pairs of reals
- Representation of complex numbers in the form a+ib and their representation in a plane
- algebra of complex numbers
- modulus and argument (or amplitude) of a complex number
- the square root of a complex number
- triangle inequality
- Quadratic equations in real and complex number system and their solutions
- The relation between roots and coefficients, nature of roots, the formation of quadratic equations with given roots
Unit 3: Matrices and determinants - Matrices
- algebra of matrices
- types of matrices
- determinants and matrices of order two and three
- Properties of determinants
- Adjoint and evaluation of inverse of a square matrix using determinants and elementary transformations
- Test of consistency and solution of simultaneous linear equations in two or three variables using determinants and matrices
Unit 4: Permutations and combinations - The fundamental principle of counting
- permutation as an arrangement and combination as selection
- Meaning of P (n,r) and C (n,r)
- simple applications
Unit 5: Mathematical induction Principle of Mathematical Induction and its simple applications
Unit 6: Binomial theorem and its simple applications - Binomial theorem for a positive integral index
- general term and middle term
- properties of Binomial coefficients
- simple applications
Unit 7: Sequences and series - Arithmetic and Geometric progressions
- insertion of arithmetic
- geometric means between two given numbers
- the relation between A.M. and G.M. sum up to n terms of special series: S n, S n2, Sn3
- Arithmetic – Geometric progression
UNIT 8: Limit, continuity, and differentiability - Real – valued functions
- algebra of functions
- polynomials
- rational
- trigonometric
- logarithmic and exponential functions
- inverse functions
- Graphs of simple functions
- Limits, continuity, and differentiability
- Differentiation of the sum, difference, product, and quotient of two functions
- Differentiation of trigonometric
- inverse trigonometric
- logarithmic
- exponential
- composite and implicit functions
- Rolle’s and Lagrange’s Mean Value Theorems
- Applications of derivatives: Rate of change of quantities, monotonic – increasing and decreasing functions
- Maxima and minima of functions of one variable
- tangents and normals
Unit 9: Integral calculus - Integral as an antiderivative
- Fundamental integrals involving algebraic, trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic functions
- Integration by substitution, by parts, and by partial fractions. Integration using trigonometric identities
- Evaluation of simple integrals of the type Integral as limit of a sum
- Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
- Properties of definite integrals
- Evaluation of definite integrals, determining areas of the regions bounded by simple curves in standard form
Unit 10: Differential equations - Ordinary differential equations, their order, and degree
- Formation of differential equations
- The solution of differential equations by the method of separation of variables, solution of homogeneous and linear differential equations of the type: dy/dx+p(x)y=q(x)
Unit 11: Co-ordinate geometry - Cartesian system of rectangular co-ordinates 10 in a plane
- distance formula
- section formula
- locus and its equation
- translation of axes
- the slope of a line
- parallel and perpendicular lines
- intercepts of a line on the coordinate axes

Straight lines: Various forms of equations of a line, intersection of lines, angles between two lines, conditions for concurrence of three lines, distance of a point from a line, equations of internal and external bisectors of angles between two lines, coordinates of centroid, orthocentre and circumcentre of a triangle, equation of family of lines passing through the point of intersection of two lines

Circles, conic sections: Standard form of equation of a circle, general form of the equation of a circle, its radius and centre, equation of a circle when the endpoints of a diameter are given, points of intersection of a line and a circle with the centre at the origin and condition for a line to be tangent to a circle, equation of the tangent. Sections of cones, equations of conic sections (parabola, ellipse, and hyperbola) in standard forms, condition for y = mx + c to be a tangent and point (s) of tangency
Unit 12: Three-dimensional geometry - Coordinates of a point in space, the distance between two points, section formula, direction ratios and direction cosines, the angle between two intersecting lines
- Skew lines, the shortest distance between them and its equation
- Equations of a line and a plane in different forms, the intersection of a line and a plane, coplanar lines
Unit 13: Vector algebra - Vectors and scalars
- addition of vectors
- components of a vector in two dimensions and three-dimensional space
- scalar and vector products, scalar and vector triple product
Unit 14: Statistics and probability Measures of Dispersion: Calculation of mean, median, mode of grouped and ungrouped data calculation of standard deviation, variance and mean deviation for grouped and ungrouped data

Probability: Probability of an event, addition and multiplication theorems of probability, Baye’s theorem, probability distribution of a random variate, Bernoulli trials and Binomial distribution
Unit 15: Trigonometry - Trigonometrical identities and equations
- Trigonometrical functions
- Inverse trigonometrical functions and their properties
- Heights and Distances
Unit 16: Mathematical reasoning - Statements, logical operations and, or, implies, implied by, if and only if
- Understanding of tautology, contradiction, converse, and contrapositive


The syllabus contains two Section- A and B, Section – A pertains to the Theory Part having 80% weightage, while Sections – B contains a practical component (Experimental Skills) having 20% Weightage.

Units(Section A) Topic
Unit 1: Physics And Measurement - Physics, technology and society, S I units, Fundamental and derived units
- Least count, accuracy and precision of measuring instruments
- Errors in measurement
- Dimensions of Physical quantities, dimensional analysis, and its applications
Unit 2: Kinematics - Frame of reference
- Motion in a straight line: Position-time graph, speed, and velocity
- Uniform and non-uniform motion, average speed and instantaneous velocity
- Uniformly accelerated motion, velocity-time, position-time graphs, relations for uniformly accelerated motion
- Scalars and Vectors, Vector addition and Subtraction, Zero Vector, Scalar and Vector products, Unit Vector, Resolution of a Vector
- Relative Velocity, Motion in a plane, Projectile Motion, Uniform Circular Motion
Unit 3: Laws Of Motion

- Force and Inertia
- Newton’s First Law of motion; Momentum, Newton’s Second Law of motion; Impulse; Newton’s Third Law of motion
- Law of conservation of linear momentum and its applications, Equilibrium of concurrent forces
- Static and Kinetic friction, laws of friction, rolling friction
- Dynamics of uniform circular motion: Centripetal force and its applications

Unit 4: Work, Energy, And Power - Work done by a constant force and a variable force; kinetic and potential energies, work-energy theorem, power
- The potential energy of a spring, conservation of mechanical energy, conservative and non-conservative forces; Elastic and inelastic collisions in one and two dimensions
Unit 5: Rotational Motion - Centre of mass of a two-particle system, Centre of mass of a rigid body; Basic concepts of rotational motion; moment of a force, torque, angular momentum, conservation of angular momentum and its applications; moment of inertia, radius of gyration
- Values of moments of inertia for simple geometrical objects, parallel and perpendicular axes theorems and their applications
- Rigid body rotation, equations of rotational motion
Unit 6: Gravitation - The universal law of gravitation
- Acceleration due to gravity and its variation with altitude and depth
- Kepler’s laws of planetary motion
- Gravitational potential energy; gravitational potential
- Escape velocity
- Orbital velocity of a satellite. Geo-stationary satellites
Unit 7: Properties Of Solids And Liquids - Elastic behaviour, Stress-strain relationship, Hooke’s Law, Young’s modulus, bulk modulus, modulus of rigidity
- Pressure due to a fluid column; Pascal’s law and its applications
- Viscosity, Stokes’ law, terminal velocity, streamline and turbulent flow, Reynolds number. Bernoulli’s principle and its applications
- Surface energy and surface tension, angle of contact, application of surface tension – drops, bubbles and capillary rise
- Heat, temperature, thermal expansion; specific heat capacity, calorimetry; change of state, latent heat
- Heat transfer-conduction, convection and radiation, Newton’s law of cooling
Unit 8: Thermodynamics

- Thermal equilibrium, zeroth law of thermodynamics, the concept of temperature
- Heat, work and internal energy
- The first law of thermodynamics
- The second law of thermodynamics: reversible and irreversible processes
- Carnot engine and its efficiency

Unit 9: Kinetic Theory Of Gases - Equation of state of a perfect gas, work done on compressing a gas
- Kinetic theory of gases – assumptions, the concept of pressure
- Kinetic energy and temperature: RMS speed of gas molecules; Degrees of freedom, Law of equipartition of energy, applications to specific heat capacities of gases; Mean free path, Avogadro’s number
Unit 10: Oscillations And Waves Periodic motion: period, frequency, displacement as a function of time. Periodic functions. Simple harmonic motion (S.H.M.) and its equation; phase; oscillations of a spring -restoring force and force constant; energy in S.H.M. – Kinetic and potential energies; Simple pendulum – derivation of expression for its time period; Free, forced and damped oscillations, resonance

Wave motion: Longitudinal and transverse waves, speed of a wave. Displacement relation for a progressive wave. Principle of superposition of waves, the reflection of waves, Standing waves in strings and organ pipes, fundamental mode and harmonics, Beats, Doppler effect in sound
Unit 11: Electrostatics Electric charges: Conservation of charge, Coulomb’s law-forces between two point charges, forces between multiple charges; superposition principle and continuous charge distribution

Electric field: Electric field due to a point charge, Electric field lines, Electric dipole, Electric field due to a dipole, Torque on a dipole in a uniform electric field

Electric flux, Gauss’s law and its applications to find field due to infinitely long uniformly charged straight wire, uniformly charged infinite plane sheet and uniformly charged thin spherical shell. Electric potential and its calculation for a point charge, electric dipole and system of charges; Equipotential surfaces, Electrical potential energy of a system of two point charges in an electrostatic field

Conductors and insulators, Dielectrics and electric polarization, capacitor, the combination of capacitors in series and in parallel, the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor with and without dielectric medium between the plates, Energy stored in a capacitor
Unit 12: Current Electricity - Electric current, Drift velocity, Ohm’s law, Electrical resistance, Resistances of different materials, V-I characteristics of Ohmic and nonohmic conductors, Electrical energy and power, Electrical resistivity, Colour code for resistors; Series and parallel combinations of resistors; Temperature dependence of resistance
- Electric Cell and its Internal resistance, potential difference and emf of a cell, the combination of cells in series and in parallel
- Kirchhoff’s laws and their applications
- Wheatstone bridge, Metre bridge
- Potentiometer – principle and its applications
Unit 13: Magnetic Effects Of Current And Magnetism - Biot – Savart law and its application to current carrying circular loop. Ampere’s law and its applications to infinitely long current carrying straight wire and solenoid. Force on a moving charge in uniform magnetic and electric fields. Cyclotron
- Force on a current-carrying conductor in a uniform magnetic field. The force between two parallel current-carrying conductors-definition of ampere. Torque experienced by a current loop in a uniform magnetic field; Moving coil galvanometer, its current sensitivity and conversion to ammeter and voltmeter
- Current loop as a magnetic dipole and its magnetic dipole moment. Bar magnet as an equivalent solenoid, magnetic field lines; Earth’s magnetic field and magnetic elements. Para-, dia- and ferromagnetic substances
- Magnetic susceptibility and permeability, Hysteresis, Electromagnets and permanent magnets
Unit 14: Electromagnetic Induction And Alternating Currents - Electromagnetic induction; Faraday’s law, induced emf and current; Lenz’s Law, Eddy currents
- Self and mutual inductance
- Alternating currents, peak and RMS value of alternating current/ voltage; reactance and impedance; LCR series circuit, resonance; Quality factor, power in AC circuits, wattles current
- AC generator and transformer
Unit 15: Electromagnetic Waves - Electromagnetic waves and their characteristics. Transverse nature of electromagnetic waves
- Electromagnetic spectrum (radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible, ultraviolet, Xrays, gamma rays)
- Applications of e.m. waves
Unit 16: Optics - Reflection and refraction of light at plane and spherical surfaces, mirror formula, Total internal reflection and its applications, Deviation and Dispersion of light by a prism, Lens Formula, Magnification, Power of a Lens, Combination of thin lenses in contact, Microscope and Astronomical Telescope (reflecting and refracting) and their magnifying powers
Wave Optics:
- wavefront and Huygens’ principle, Laws of reflection and refraction using Huygen’s principle. Interference, Young’s double-slit experiment and expression for fringe width
- Diffraction due to a single slit, width of central maximum
- Resolving power of microscopes and astronomical telescopes, Polarisation, plane polarized light; Brewster’s law uses of plane-polarized light and Polaroids 
Unit 17: Dual Nature Of Matter And radiation - Dual nature of radiation
- Photoelectric effect, Hertz and Lenard’s observations; Einstein’s photoelectric equation; particle nature of light
- Matter waves-wave nature of particle, de Broglie relation
- Davisson-Germer experiment.
Unit 18: Atoms And Nuclei - Alpha-particle scattering experiment; Rutherford’s model of atom; Bohr model, energy levels, hydrogen spectrum
- Composition and size of nucleus, atomic masses, isotopes, isobars; isotones
- Radioactivity-alpha, beta and gamma particles/rays and their properties; radioactive decay law. Mass-energy relation, mass defect; binding energy per nucleon and its variation with mass number, nuclear fission and fusion
Unit 19: Electronic Devices - Semiconductors; semiconductor diode: I-V characteristics in forward and reverse bias; diode as a rectifier; I-V characteristics of LED, photodiode, solar cell and Zener diode; Zener diode as a voltage regulator
- Junction transistor, transistor action, characteristics of a transistor; transistor as an amplifier (common emitter configuration) and oscillator. Logic gates (OR, AND, NOT, NAND and NOR)
- Transistor as a switch
Unit 20: Communication Systems - Propagation of electromagnetic waves in the atmosphere; Sky and space wave propagation
- Need for modulation
- Amplitude and Frequency Modulation
- Bandwidth of signals
- The bandwidth of the Transmission medium
- Basic Elements of a Communication System (Block Diagram only)
Unit (Section-B) Topics

Unit 21: Experimental Skills

  • Vernier callipers
  • Screw gauge
  • Simple Pendulum
  • Metre Scale
  • Young's modulus of elasticity
  • Surf ace tension of water by capillary rise
  • Co-efficient of Viscosity of a given viscous liquid by measuring terminal velocity
  • Plotting a cooling curve
  • Speed of sound in air at room temperature
  • Specific heat capacity of a given solid and liquid
  • The resistivity of the material of a given wire using a metre bridge.
  • Potentiometer
  • Resistance and figure of merit of a galvanometer
  • The plot of the angle of deviation vs angle of incidence for a triangular prism
  • Refractive index of a glass slab using a travelling microscope
  • Characteristic curves of a p-n junction diode in forward and reverse bias
  • Characteristic curves of a Zener diode and finding reverse break down voltage
  • Characteristic curves of a transistor and finding current gain and voltage gain
  • Identification of Diode. LED, Transistor. IC. Resistor. A capacitor from a mixed collection of such items


Section A: Physical Chemistry

Units Topic
Unit 1: Some Basic Concepts In Chemistry - Matter and its nature, Dalton’s atomic theory
- Concept of atom, molecule, element and compound
- Physical quantities and their measurements in Chemistry, precision and accuracy, significant figures, S.I. Units, dimensional analysis
- Laws of chemical combination
- Atomic and molecular masses, mole concept, molar mass, percentage composition, empirical and molecular formulae
- Chemical equations and stoichiometry
Unit 2: States Of Matter

Classification of matter into solid, liquid and gaseous states:
- Gaseous State: Measurable properties of gases
- Gas laws – Boyle’s law, Charle’s law, Graham’s law of diffusion, Avogadro’s law, Dalton’s law of partial pressure
- Concept of Absolute scale of temperature; Ideal gas equation
- Kinetic theory of gases (only postulates)
- Concept of average, root mean square and most probable velocities
- Real gases, deviation from Ideal behaviour, compressibility factor and van der Waals equation

Liquid State: Properties of liquids – vapour pressure, viscosity and surface tension and effect of temperature on them (qualitative treatment only):
- Solid State: Classification of solids: molecular, ionic, covalent and metallic solids, amorphous and crystalline solids (elementary idea)
- Bragg’s Law and its applications
- Unit cell and lattices, packing in solids (fcc, bcc and hcp lattices), voids, calculations involving unit cell parameters, an imperfection in solids
- Electrical, magnetic and dielectric properties

Unit 3: Atomic Structure - Thomson and Rutherford atomic models and their limitations
- Nature of electromagnetic radiation, photoelectric effect
- The spectrum of the hydrogen atom, Bohr model of a hydrogen atom – its postulates, derivation of the relations for the energy of the electron and radii of the different orbits, limitations of Bohr’s model
- Dual nature of matter, de Broglie's relationship, Heisenberg uncertainty principle
- Elementary ideas of quantum mechanics, the quantum mechanical model of the atom, its important features, the concept of atomic orbitals as one-electron wave functions
- various quantum numbers (principal, angular momentum and magnetic quantum numbers) and their significance
- shapes of s, p and d – orbitals, electron spin and spin quantum number
- Rules for filling electrons in orbitals – Aufbau principle, Pauli’s exclusion principle and Hund’s rule, electronic configuration of elements, extra stability of half-filled and completely filled orbitals
Unit 4: Chemical Bonding And Molecular Structure - Kossel – Lewis approach to chemical bond formation, the concept of ionic and covalent bonds
- Ionic Bonding: Formation of ionic bonds, factors affecting the formation of ionic bonds; calculation of lattice enthalpy
- Covalent Bonding: Concept of electronegativity, Fajan’s rule, dipole moment
- Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion (VSEPR) theory and shapes of simple molecules
- Quantum mechanical approach to covalent bonding: Valence bond theory – Its important features, the concept of hybridization involving s, p and d orbitals
- Molecular Orbital Theory: Its important features, LCAOs, types of molecular orbitals (bonding, antibonding), sigma and pi-bonds, molecular orbital electronic configurations of homonuclear diatomic molecules, the concept of bond order, bond length and bond energy
Unit 5: Chemical Thermodynamics

Fundamentals of thermodynamics: System and surroundings, extensive and intensive properties, state functions, types of processes:

- The first law of thermodynamics – Concept of work, heat internal energy and enthalpy, heat capacity, molar heat capacity
- Hess’s law of constant heat summation
- Enthalpies of bond dissociation, combustion, formation, atomization, sublimation, phase transition, hydration, ionization and solution
- The second law of thermodynamics
- Spontaneity of processes
- DS of the universe and DG of the system as criteria for spontaneity, Dgo (Standard Gibbs energy change) and equilibrium constant

Unit 6: Solutions - Different methods for expressing the concentration of solution – molality, molarity, mole fraction, percentage (by volume and mass both), the vapour pressure of solutions and Raoult’s Law – Ideal and non-ideal solutions, vapour pressure – composition, plots for ideal and non-ideal solutions
- Colligative properties of dilute solutions – the relative lowering of vapour pressure, depression of freezing point, the elevation of boiling point and osmotic pressure
- Determination of molecular mass using colligative properties; Abnormal value of molar mass, van’t Hoff factor and its significance
Unit 7: Equilibrium - Meaning of equilibrium, the concept of dynamic equilibrium
- Equilibria involving physical processes: Solid-liquid, liquid – gas and solid-gas equilibria, Henry’s law, general characteristics of equilibrium involving physical processes
- Ionic equilibrium: Weak and strong electrolytes, ionization of electrolytes, various concepts of acids and bases (Arrhenius, Bronsted – Lowry and Lewis) and their ionization, acid-base equilibria (including multistage ionization) and ionization constants, ionization of water, pH scale, common ion effect, hydrolysis of salts and pH of their solutions, solubility of sparingly soluble salts and solubility products, buffer solutions
Unit 8: Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry - Electronic concepts of oxidation and reduction, redox reactions, oxidation number, rules for assigning oxidation number, balancing of redox reactions
- Electrolytic and metallic conduction, conductance in electrolytic solutions, specific and molar conductivities and their variation with concentration: Kohlrausch’s law and its applications
- Electrochemical cells – Electrolytic and Galvanic cells, different types of electrodes, electrode potentials including standard electrode potential, half – cell and cell reactions, emf of a Galvanic cell and its measurement
- Nernst equation and its applications; Relationship between cell potential and Gibbs’ energy change
- Dry cell and lead accumulator; Fuel cells
Unit 9: Chemical Kinetics  - Rate of a chemical reaction, factors affecting the rate of reactions: concentration, temperature, pressure and catalyst
- elementary and complex reactions, order and molecularity of reactions, rate law, rate constant and its units, differential and integral forms of zero and first-order reactions, their characteristics and half-lives, effect of temperature on rate of reactions – Arrhenius theory, activation energy and its calculation, collision theory of bimolecular gaseous reactions (no derivation)
Unit 10: Surface Chemistry - Colloidal state- distinction among true solutions, colloids and suspensions, classification of colloids – lyophilic, lyophobic
- multi molecular, macromolecular and associated colloids (micelles), preparation and properties of colloids – Tyndall effect, Brownian movement, electrophoresis, dialysis, coagulation and flocculation
- Emulsions and their characteristics

Section B: Inorganic Chemistry

Unit 11: Classification Of Elements And Periodicity In Properties Modem periodic law and present form of the periodic table, s, p, d and f block elements, periodic trends in properties of elements atomic and ionic radii, ionization enthalpy, electron gain enthalpy, valence, oxidation states and chemical reactivity
Unit 12: General Principles And Processes Of Isolation Of Metals Modes of occurrence of elements in nature, minerals, ores; Steps involved in the extraction of metals – concentration, reduction (chemical and electrolytic methods) and refining with special reference to the extraction of Al, Cu, Zn and Fe; Thermodynamic and electrochemical principles involved in the extraction of metals
Unit 13: Hydrogen - Position of hydrogen in periodic table, isotopes, preparation, properties and uses of hydrogen
- Physical and chemical properties of water and heavy water
- Structure, preparation, reactions and uses of hydrogen peroxide
- Hydrogen as a fuel
Unit 14: S – Block Elements (Alkali And Alkaline Earth Metals) - Group – 1 and 2 Elements: General introduction, electronic configuration and general trends in physical and chemical properties of elements, anomalous properties of the first element of each group, diagonal relationships
- Preparation and properties of some important compounds – sodium carbonate and sodium hydroxide; Industrial uses of lime, limestone, Plaster of Paris and cement; Biological significance of Na, K, Mg and Ca
Unit 15: P – Block Elements

- Group – 13 to Group 18 Elements
- General Introduction: Electronic configuration and general trends in physical and chemical properties of elements across the periods and down the groups; unique behaviour of the first element in each group

Groupwise study of the p – block elements:
- Group – 13: Preparation, properties and uses of boron and aluminium; properties of boric acid, diborane, boron trifluoride, aluminium chloride and alums
- Group – 14: Allotropes of carbon, the tendency for catenation; Structure & properties of silicates, and zeolites
- Group – 15: Properties and uses of nitrogen and phosphorus; Allotrophic forms of phosphorus; Preparation, properties, structure and uses of ammonia, nitric acid, phosphine and phosphorus halides, (PCl3, PCl5); Structures of oxides and oxoacids of phosphorus
- Group – 16: Preparation, properties, structures and uses of ozone; Allotropic forms of sulphur; Preparation, properties, structures and uses of sulphuric acid (including its industrial preparation); Structures of oxoacids of sulphur
- Group – 17: Preparation, properties and uses of hydrochloric acid; Trends in the acidic nature of hydrogen halides; Structures of Interhalogen compounds and oxides and oxoacids of halogens
 - Group –18: Occurrence and uses of noble gases; Structures of fluorides and oxides of xenon

UNIT 16: D – And F – Block Elements - Transition Elements: General introduction, electronic configuration, occurrence and characteristics, general trends in properties of the first-row transition elements – physical properties, ionization enthalpy, oxidation states, atomic radii, colour, catalytic behaviour, magnetic properties, complex formation, interstitial compounds, alloy formation; Preparation, properties and uses of K2 Cr2 O7 and KMnO4 

- Inner Transition Elements: Lanthanoids – Electronic configuration, oxidation states and lanthanoid contraction

- Actinoids – Electronic configuration and oxidation states
Unit 17: Co-Ordination Compounds - Introduction to coordination compounds, Werner’s theory
- ligands, coordination number, denticity, chelation; IUPAC nomenclature of mononuclear coordination compounds, isomerism
- Bonding-Valence bond approach and basic ideas of Crystal field theory, colour and magnetic properties; Importance of coordination compounds (in qualitative analysis, extraction of metals and in biological systems)
Unit 18: Environmental Chemistry - Environmental pollution – Atmospheric, water and soil
- Atmospheric pollution – Tropospheric and Stratospheric
- Tropospheric pollutants – Gaseous pollutants: Oxides of carbon, nitrogen and sulphur, hydrocarbons; their sources, harmful effects and prevention; Greenhouse effect and Global warming; Acid rain
- Particulate pollutants: Smoke, dust, smog, fumes, mist; their sources, harmful effects and prevention
- Stratospheric pollution- Formation and breakdown of ozone, depletion of the ozone layer – its mechanism and effects
- Water Pollution – Major pollutants such as pathogens, organic wastes and chemical pollutants; their harmful effects and prevention
- Soil pollution – Major pollutants such as Pesticides (insecticides,. herbicides and fungicides), their harmful effects and prevention. Strategies to control environmental pollution

Section C: Organic Chemistry

Unit 19: Purification And Characterisation Of Organic Compounds - Purification – Crystallization, sublimation, distillation, differential extraction and chromatography – principles and their applications
- Qualitative analysis – Detection of nitrogen, sulphur, phosphorus and halogens
- Quantitative analysis (basic principles only) – Estimation of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, halogens, sulphur, phosphorus
- Calculations of empirical formulae and molecular formulae; Numerical problems in organic quantitative analysis
Unit 20: Some Basic Principles Of Organic Chemistry - Tetravalency of carbon; Shapes of simple molecules – hybridization (s and p); Classification of organic compounds based on functional groups: – C = C –, – C h C – and those containing halogens, oxygen, nitrogen and sulphur; Homologous series; Isomerism – structural and stereoisomerism

- Nomenclature (Trivial and IUPAC), 

- Covalent bond fission – Homolytic and heterolytic: free radicals, carbocations and carbanions; stability of carbocations and free radicals, electrophiles and nucleophiles

- Electronic displacement in a covalent bond – Inductive effect, electromeric effect, resonance and hyperconjugation
Unit 21: Hydrocarbons - Classification, isomerism, IUPAC nomenclature, general methods of preparation, properties and reactions
- Alkanes – Conformations: Sawhorse and Newman projections (of ethane); Mechanism of halogenation of alkanes
- Alkenes – Geometrical isomerism; Mechanism of electrophilic addition: addition of hydrogen, halogens, water, hydrogen halides (Markownikoff’s and peroxide effect); Ozonolysis and polymerization
- Alkynes – Acidic character; Addition of hydrogen, halogens, water and hydrogen halides; Polymerization
- Aromatic hydrocarbons – Nomenclature, benzene – structure and aromaticity; Mechanism of electrophilic substitution: halogenation, nitration, Friedel – Craft’s alkylation and acylation, directive influence of the functional group in mono-substituted benzene
Unit 22: Organic Compounds Containing Halogens - General methods of preparation, properties and reactions; Nature of C-X bond; Mechanisms of substitution reactions
- Uses; Environmental effects of chloroform & iodoform
Unit 23: Organic Compounds Containing Oxygen General methods of preparation, properties, reactions and uses
Alcohols, Phenols And Ethers - Alcohols: Identification of primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols; mechanism of dehydration
- Phenols: Acidic nature, electrophilic substitution reactions: halogenation, nitration and sulphonation, Reimer – Tiemann reaction
- Ethers: Structure
- Aldehyde and Ketones: Nature of carbonyl group
- Nucleophilic addition to >C=O group, relative reactivities of aldehydes and ketones
- Important reactions such as – Nucleophilic addition reactions (addition of HCN, NH3 and its derivatives), Grignard reagent; oxidation; reduction (Wolff Kishner and Clemmensen); the acidity of r – hydrogen, aldol condensation, Cannizzaro reaction, Haloform reaction; Chemical tests to distinguish between aldehydes and Ketones
Carboxylic Acids Acidic strength and factors affecting it
Unit 24: Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen - General methods of preparation, properties, reactions and uses
- Amines: Nomenclature, classification, structure, basic character and identification of primary, secondary and tertiary amines and their basic character
- Diazonium Salts: Importance in synthetic organic chemistry
Unit 25: Polymers - General introduction and classification of polymers, general methods of polymerization-addition and condensation, copolymerization
- Natural and synthetic rubber and vulcanization
- some important polymers with emphasis on their monomers and uses – polythene, nylon, polyester and bakelite
UNIT 26: Biomolecules - General introduction and importance of biomolecules
- Carbohydrates – Classification: aldoses and ketoses; monosaccharides (glucose and fructose) and constituent monosaccharides of oligosaccharides (sucrose, lactose and maltose)
- Proteins – Elementary Idea of r – amino acids, peptide bond, polypeptides; Proteins: primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary structure (qualitative idea only), denaturation of proteins, enzymes
- Vitamins – Classification and functions
- Nucleic Acids – Chemical constitution of DNA and RNA. Biological functions of nucleic acids
UNIT 27: Chemistry in Everyday Life - Chemicals in medicines – Analgesics, tranquillizers, antiseptics, disinfectants, antimicrobials, antifertility drugs, antibiotics, antacids, antihistamines – their meaning and common examples

- Chemicals in food – Preservatives, artificial sweetening agents – common examples. Cleansing agents – Soaps and detergents, cleansing action
UNIT 28: PRINCIPLES RELATED TO PRACTICAL CHEMISTRY - Detection of extra elements (N, S, halogens) in organic compounds; Detection of the following functional groups: hydroxyl (alcoholic and phenolic), carbonyl (aldehyde and ketone), carboxyl and amino groups in organic compounds
- The chemistry involved in the preparation of the following: Inorganic compounds: Mohr’s salt, potash alum
- Organic compounds: Acetanilide, pnitroacetanilide, aniline yellow, iodoform
- The chemistry involved in the titrimetric exercises – Acids bases and the use of indicators, oxalic-acid vs KMnO4, Mohr’s salt vs KMnO4
- Chemical principles involved in the qualitative salt analysis: Cations – Pb2+, Cu2+, AI3+, Fe3+, Zn2+, Ni2+, Ca2+, Ba2+, Mg2+, NH4+. Anions- CO3 2-, S2-, SO4 2-, NO2-, NO3-, CI -, Br, I. (Insoluble salts excluded)
Chemical principles involved in the following experiments - Enthalpy of solution of CuSO4
- Enthalpy of neutralization of strong acid and strong base
- Preparation of lyophilic and lyophobic sols
- Kinetic study of the reaction of iodide ion with hydrogen peroxide at room temperature

For B.Arch/B-Planning:

Section Topics

Part I


- Awareness of persons, places, Buildings, Materials. Objects, Texture related to Architecture and build—environment
- Visualising three-dimensional objects from two-dimensional drawings
- Visualising. different sides of three-dimensional objects
- Analytical Reasoning Mental Ability (Visual, Numerical and Verbal)
Part II (Drawing) - Three dimensional - perception: Understanding and appreciation of scale and proportion of objects, building forms and elements, colour texture, harmony and contrast
- Design and drawing of geometrical or abstract shapes and patterns in pencil
- Transformation of forms both 2 D and 3 D union, subtraction, rotation, development of surfaces and volumes, Generation of Plan, elevations and 3 D views of objects
- Creating two dimensional and three-dimensional compositions using given shapes and forms
- Sketching of scenes and activities from memory of urbanscape (public space, market, festivals, street scenes, monuments, recreational spaces, ect.), landscape (river fronts, jungles, trees, plants, etc.) and rural life
Part III (Planning)

-General awareness- knowledge about prominent cities, development issues, government programmes

-Social sciences- The idea of nationalism, Power-sharing, Economic development

-Thinking Skills- Comprehension, critical reasoning, graphs and tables


JEE Main April 2021: Know Subject Wise Marking Scheme And Percentile Calculation
JEE Main 2021 April Session Admit Card Released, Know Exam Day Guidelines
JEE Main 2021 April Session Registration Started, Know Exam Dates
13 Students Hit the Perfect 100% in JEE Main 2021, Check The State Wise Toppers List
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Which Colleges Can You Get Into With 98 Percentile in the JEE Mains ?
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JEE Main 2021 March Session Answer key With Question Paper Released
JEE Main 2021 State wise Topper List (out). Check out Women Top scorer's
Students Scored 100% in JEE Main 2021 Paper 2
JEE Main 2021 February Session Paper 2 Result Declared
JEE MAIN April Session Pre-Exam Analysis
JEE Main 2021 Day 3 March Session Exam and Paper Analysis
JEE Main 2021 Day 2 March Session Paper And Exam Analysis For B.E/B.Tech
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JEE Main 2021 March Session Day 1 Exam Analysis For B.Tech
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JEE Main March 2021 Exam To Start Tomorrow, Know Last Minute Tips and Exam Guidelines
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JEE Main 2021 Result Declared in 10 Days, Great Achievement By NTA
JEE Main 2021 February Session Result Declared, Know Toppers List
JEE Main March 2021 Registration Ends Tomorrow, Know Preparation Tips
NTA Adds 3 More Exam Cities For JEE Main 2021 March,April,May Session
NTA Released JEE Main 2021 Answer Key For February Session, Check Here
Application form of JEE Main 2021 Started for March session, Apply now
JEE Main 2021 Result To Be Out On March 7, Know About Previous Year Cut off
JEE Main 2021 February Session Exam Concluded, Check Last Exam Analysis
JEE Main 2021 Day 3 Exam Analysis, Know Exam pattern here
JEE Main 2021 Day 2 Exam Pattern And Analysis For B.E/B.Tech
JEE Main 2021 1st Shift of Day 2 Exam Analysis For B.Tech/B.E
JEE Main 2021 1st Shift 23rd February Exam Analysis, Know here exam pattern
JEE Main 2021 Admit Card Released, Download Here
JEE MAIN 2021 February Session Admit Card To Be Released On 14th February
JEE Main: Preparation, Eligibility, Number of Attempts
JEE Main 2021 Admit Card To Be Out Soon, Know The Download Process
JEE Main 2021 Correction window Closing today, Check here
JEE Main 2021 Correction window opens today, Check details here
JEE Main 2021 February Session Exam Registration Last Date Today
75% Eligibility Criteria have been waived for JEE Main 2021. The Syllabus remains unchanged
The Last Date to Correct JEE Main 2021 Application Form is extended to 30th January
NTA has Extended the Last Date to Register for JEE Main 2021
The JEE Main 2021 Application Window will be Deactivated Soon, Apply Now
NTA warns the JEE Main 2021 Aspirants about Fake Website Inviting Payment
NTA to Deactivate the JEE main 2021 Registration Window on 16 th January
JEE MAIN 2021 new rules releases by NTA, Know here
JEE MAIN 2021 Online Registration started, Apply here
JEE MAIN 2021 Exam schedule Announced Today, Click here to know
JEE MAIN 2021 Exam To Be Started in Regional Language, Says Ramesh Pokhrial
JEE Main 2021 Exam To Be Held 4 times - Feb, Mar, Apr, May
VITEEE 2021 : VIT accepts JEE main, SAT score for Engineering Admission
UPSEE Exam Scrapped, Admission Through JEE Main
JEE Main 2021 Likely To Be Started in February and May
Things to Keep in Mind Before Going For JEE MAIN 2021
JEE Main 2020 Paper 2 - B.Arch/B.Plan Result Declared
JEE Main 2020 Final Answer Key Released for B.Arch/B.Plan
JEE Main 2020 Category Wise Cut-off for JEE Advanced Released by NTA
JEE Main 2020 Final Answer Key Released for B.Tech Papers
JEE Main 2020 Result Declared for April/September Session. Check Here
JEE Main 2020: 74% candidates appeared of 8.58 lakhs
Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology invites application through JEE Main 2020 merit
JEE Main 2020 Official Answer Key Released
JEE Main 2020 April/September Day 6 Exam and Paper Analysis
JEE Main 2020 April/September Day 5 Exam and Paper Analysis
JEE Main 2020 April/September Day 4 Exam and Paper Analysis
JEE Main 2020 April/September Day 3 Exam and Paper Analysis
JEE Main 2020 Answer Key Released
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JEE Main 2020 April/September Day 2 Exam and Paper Analysis
JEE Main 2020 April/September Day 1 Exam and Paper Analysis
State approaches Centre for postponing NEET & JEE Main
Procedure to enrol in NITs through JEE Main exam
JEE Main 2020 Exam Scheduled for Tomorrow, Important Guidelines
JEE Main and NEET 2020 : No postponement, Exam in September
JEE Main 2020 eligibility relaxed for NITs and other CFTIs
IIT JEE Main 2021: Slight delay in January Exam Dates
JEE Main 2020 Application Form correction window ends today
JEE Main and NEET 2020 Exam Dates Remain Unchanged
JEE Main and NEET 2020 New Exam Dates by Monday
JEE Main 2020 Application Form Correction Starts Today. Admit Card date Released
JEE Main 2020 Form Correction Window to Re-opened
JEE Main 2020 to be Conducted from July 18, Says HRD Minister
NEET and JEE Main to held in July, new session from August Says HRD Minister
JEE Main 2020 Exam Date to be Announced Tomorrow by HRD Minister
Telangana Starts Free Online Coaching for JEE Main, NEET, TS EAMCET
JEE Main and NEET 2020 to be held in Mid-June: Sources
JEE Main and NEET 2020 Postponed to July ? NTA debunks Fake News
JEE Main 2020 not in 1st Week of July: NTA Clears the Rumors
JEE Main 2020 Application Form Correction Extended to May 3. Know Details
JEE Main 2020 Application Form Correction Window Closes Today. Make Changes Now
JEE Main 2020 Application Form Correction Window Closes Tomorrow
Best Android Apps for Preparation of JEE Main
JEE Main 2020 Application Form Correction Re-Opened. Correct till 14 April
IIT Kharagpur Provides JEE Main Preparation Module in Digital Platform
JEE Main 2020 Most Likely to be Held in May. JEE Advanced Future Uncertain
How Does the Corona Lockdown Helps in JEE Main 2020 Preparation
NTA Releases Helpline Numbers of JEE Main, NEET, UGC NET, and more
JEE Main 2020 April Session Admit Card Released. Get Direct Link to Download
JEE Main 2020 Application Form Correction Ends Today for April Session
JEE Main 2020 Application Form Correction Starts Today. Correct Until 16th March
JEE Main 2020 April Session Registration Ends in 2 Days. Apply Soon
JEE Main 2020 Image Correction Process Started. Check Details
JEE Main 2020 April Session Registration Started. Apply Now
What to do if JEE Main February Result hasn’t been satisfactory?
So you didn't crack JEE Main: What now?
JEE Main 2020 Result Released for B.Arch & B.Plan. Check Here
JEE Main 2020 Final Answer Key for B.Arch & B.Plan Released
JEE Main 2020 Final Answer Key Released by NTA. Check Here
JEE Main 2020 Results Declared. Get Link to Download Scorecard
JEE Main 2020: Errors in Answer Key of will be Rectified by NTA
UPSEE to be Discarded from 2021. JEE Main Score to be Implemented
JEE Main 2020 Answer Key Released. Check Steps to Challenge
JEE Main 2020 January Session Exam Analysis
JEE Main 2020 9th January Exam Analysis
JEE Main 2020 8th January Exam Analysis
JEE Main 2020 7th January Exam Analysis
JEE Main 2020 6th Jan Analysis for Both Shifts
JEE Main 2020: NTA Releases Important Advisory for Exam Day
Mock Test Registration Starts : JEE Main 2020 January Session
Content Based Lectures: For JEE Main And NEET by subject Experts
UGC-NET, JEE Main, etc. Application Form Re-Open for J&K Aspirants
5 alternatives if you could not clear JEE Mains
JEE Main 2020 Registration Extended to October 10th.
JEE Main Exam Pattern Changes to Follow and Work On
Top 10 Things You Should Learn About JEE Main Preparation
JEE MAIN April Session- 5 Factors to Consider Now
10 Major changes Done in JEE Main Exam pattern this year.
Know Why JEE Main Mock Test Practice is a Must
NEET Results at JEE Main Website as NEET website Unserviceable
JEE Main 2019 (April) Answer Key Released by NTA, Click Here to Download
JEE Main Admit Card Will Be Released On March 20
JEE Main April 2019 Exam Dates Are Out Admit Card From March 20
JEE Main II Form Correction And EWS Registration Will Open Today
JEE Main April 2019 Admit Card Notified To Be Released On 20th March
JEE Main Registration Last Date Today!Updates About Correction,EWS...
JEE main 2019- Update for EWS Category Aspirants
Applications For JEE Main 2019, April Exam Begins Today!
Updates JEE Main April-The Application Form to release sooner.
NTA Mobile App: NTA Launches App For Mock Tests of JEE Main 2019 & Other Entrances
The JEE Main 2019 Paper 2 result announced!Check here!
Results of JEE Main 2019 paper 2 will be released soon.
Union Minister tweeted “JEE Main 2019 Ranks will be declared after April Exams”
NTA Declared JEE Main Results- January! Check your JEE Main January 2019 Scores here.
JEE Main 2019 January Results announced!!
Worried about JEE Mains? Here are Some Last Minute Preparation Tips
What if I drop 1 Year for JEE Main?
What are the best study materials for JEE Main ?
JEE Main- Why Mock Tests and Previous Year Papers are Important?
How can I crack the JEE Main without coaching?
JEE Main Preparation Tips for Maths
Best books recommended by JEE Main Toppers
NTA JEE Main 2021 FAQs
Best Books to prepare for JEE Main
How to prepare Chemistry for JEE Main
JEE Main Cut off
JEE Main Exam Centres: State-wise List Announced
JEE Main Maths Syllabus
JEE Main Chemistry Syllabus
JEE Main Crash Course, Creating new rays of sunshine
JEE Main Physics Syllabus
5 things to do if you couldn't clear your JEE Main
NATA 2021 Result Declared For 1st Phase, Download Scorecard Here
NATA 2021 Phase 1 Exam Concluded, What Next ?
What's New in NATA 2021 Exam Pattern,Marking scheme
NATA 2021 Admit Card Out(Phase I), Download link, Exam day Instructions
NATA 2021 Revised Eligibility Criteria Released By COA
NATA 2021 Correction Window Starts Today, Registration Close Soon
NATA 2021 Application Form Released, Know Exam Dates And Pattern
Regional Planning courses in India and abroad
Constructing a Career with Information about NATA 2021
JEE Advanced 2020 AAT Result Announced. Download Scorecard Now
JEE Advanced 2020 AAT Registration Started. Apply Now
Architectural Conservation: A Course in Conserving Historical Heritage
JEE Main 2020 Paper 2 - B.Arch/B.Plan Result Declared
NATA 2020 Test 2 Result Declared. Download Scorecard Here
JEE Main 2020 Final Answer Key Released for B.Arch/B.Plan
NATA Admit Card 2020 for Second Test released
Chitkara University ranks among 10 leading architecture institutions in India: Knowledge review magazine
NATA 2020 Test 1 Result Declared. Get Link Here
JEE Advanced AAT 2020: Registration to begin soon
NATA 2020 Test 2 Schedule Released. Exam in September
NATA 2020 Admit Card Released. Login to Download
NATA 2020 test proposed to be held in August 29th
NATA 2020 First and Second Exam Dates Announced. Check Details
NATA 2020 Second Attempt Application Correction Ends Today
NATA 2020 Second Attempt Application Correction Facility Started
NATA 2020 Second Exam Postponed. Check Details Here
VIT 2020 Admission Open for BSc(Architecture), Apply Here
NATA 2020 Application Correction Window Opens. Correct till 22 April
NATA 2020: Last Date for Fee Payment and Image Upload is Today. Apply Now
NATA 2020: Last Date to Upload Images is Tomorrow. Apply Now
NATA 2020 Registraton (1st Test): Last Two Days Remaining For Fee Payment. Apply Now
Learn the Art of Building at GITAM School of Architecture
NATA Preparation Tips, Strategy, How to prepare NATA exam?
NATA 2020: Registration Ends Tommorrow. Apply Soon
NATA 2020: Changes in Exam Pattern Introduced by CoA. Check Here
NATA 2020: Registration to Start from Today. Apply Soon
JEE Main 2020 Final Answer Key for B.Arch & B.Plan Released
JEE Main 2020: Errors in Answer Key of will be Rectified by NTA
NATA 2019 Final Answer Key Released by COA! Check Details Here
Architecture Career: What are the career options it have?
COA makes PCM mandatory for B Arch admissions


  Sharda University

  Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham

  Dr. DY Patil Vidyapeeth (DPU)

  KIIT University

  Amity University Noida

  RCM Polytechnic

  Sri Krishna College Of Technology

  Delhi Institute of Tool Engineering

  Mohamed Sathak Engineering College

  Dr. BC Roy Engineering College

  Manipur Institute of Technology

  CMR University

  Sangam University

  Gurukul Kangri Vishwavidyalaya

  Indian Aerospace and Engineering

  GIET University

  SRKR Engineering College

  IIIT Kalyani

  Government Engineering College Wayanad

  The ICFAI Foundation for Higher Education

  Xavier Institute of Engineering

  Beant College of Engineering and Technology

  Punjabi University

  College of Engineering Thiruvananthapuram

  Government Engineering College Thiruvananthapuram

  Bankura Unnayani Institute of Engineering

  MCKV Institute of Engineering

  Anna University

  Pacific University

  Arunodaya University

  Indira Gandhi Engineering College

  Techno Engineering College

  Padmashree Krutartha Acharya College of Engineering

  Capital Engineering College

  Purnea College of Engineering

  Abhilashi University

  Professor Jayashankar Telengana State Agricultural University

  Symbiosis University of Applied Sciences

  Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College

  Regent Education and Research Foundation

  Bihar Agricultural University

  Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology

  IIIT Allahabad

  College of Engineering Adoor

  APS College of Engineering

  Navrachana University

  Oriental University

  Institute of Genetic Engineering

  Maharishi Ved Vyas Engineering College

  Sarala Birla University

  Bhilai Institute of Technology

  BVV Sangha's Basaveshwar Engineering College

  IPS Academy Institute of Engineering and Science

  Sanghavi College of Engineering

  College of IT and Management Education

  Army Institute of Technology

  BML Munjal University

  Manav Bharti University

  ACS College of Engineering

  Shridhar University

  Ahmedabad University

  Central University of Haryana

  Jyothy Institute of Technology

  Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar College of Engineering

  Minerva Institute Of Management And Technology

  Balasore College of Engineering and Technology

  JS University

  Manav Institute of Pharmacy

  GD Goenka University (GDGU)

  Girijananda Chowdhury Institute of Management and Technology

  Jharkhand Rai University

  Mangalore Marine College and Technology

  Vignan Institute of Technology and Management (VITAM)

  Gandhi Academy of Technology and Engineering (GATE)

  OPJS University

  State Institute of Engineering and Technology

  CU Shah University

  Tezpur University

  Lukhdhirji Engineering College

  RVS College of Engineering and Technology

  Ideal Institute of Engineering

  NIT Andhra Pradesh

  Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's Sardar Patel College of Engineering

  Bennett University

  Suresh Gyan Vihar University

  New Horizon College of Engineering

  Trident Academy of Technology

  Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth

  Maharana Pratap Institute of Technology and Management

  IIIT Imphal

  MBM Engineering College

  Impact Group of Institutions

  University College of Engineering and Technology

  Capital University

  Theem College of Engineering

  Sitamarhi Institute of Technology

  Charotar University of Science and Technology

  Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology

  Hindustan Aviation Academy

  Osmania University

  International Institute of Engineering and Management Mumbai

  LNCT University

  Nagaland University

  Government Engineering College

  Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies

  Dhaneswar Rath Institute of Engineering and Management Studies(DRIEMS)

  Darbhanga College of Engineering

  Sri Guru Granth Sahib World University

  Central University of Punjab

  Starex University

  Rajalakshmi Engineering College

  Supreme Knowledge Foundation Group of Institutions

  Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth

  NMAM Institute of Technology

  Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology (IIST)

  University College of Engineering Kakinada

  Venkateshwara Open University

  NIT Durgapur

  Indira Gandhi Institute of Aeronautics Chandigarh

  Guru Nanak Institute of Technology

  Amity University Patna

  Gitam University

  Laxminarayan Institute of Technology

  Mar Athanasius College of Engineering

  Khatu Shyam Institute of Management and Technology

  GRD Institute of Management and Technology

  Murshidabad College of Engineering and technology

  Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences

  Jagran Lakecity University

  Silicon Institute of Technology

  Babu Banarasi Das University

  RKDF University

  Tolani Maritime Institute Pune

  College of Engineering Pune

  IIIT Guwahati

  Pune Institute of Computer Technology

  Government Engineering College Haveri

  Chandigarh Group of Colleges

  SJB Institute of Technology

  Bipradas Pal Chowdhury Institute of Technology

  Acharya Institute of Technology

  Calcutta Institute of Engineering and Management

  Sir Padmapat Singhania University

  Teerthanker Mahaveer University

  Sona College of Technology

  Department of Industrial and Management Engineering

  School of Management NIT Rourkela

  Anurag University

  Sharnbasva University

  Vignan Institute of Technology and Science

  Kalam Institute of Technology (KIT)

  Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University

  Rao Birendra Singh State Institute of Engineering and Technology

  GNA University

  Bharathidasan University

  RVR and JC College of Engineering

  University Institute of Information Technology

  Mallabhum Institute of Polytechnic

  Himalayan Garhwal University

  JNTU college of engineering kakinada

  Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology (NIT Nagpur)

  Cusrow Wadia Institute of Technology

  AP Goyal Shimla University

  NIT Kurukshetra

  Indus College of Engineering

  B. N. College Of Engineering And Technology

  Sat Priya Group of Institutions

  IIIT Bhopal

  DKTE Society's Textile and Engineering Institute

  Government Engineering College Banswara

  People's University

  Monad University

  National Sugar Institute

  PSG College of Technology

  Desh Bhagat Institute of Engineering and Management

  Doon University

  NIMS University

  Presidency University

  AMET University Chennai

  Indrashil University

  Central University of Karnataka

  SMK Fomra Institute of Technology

  Spintronic Technology and Advance Research (STAR)

  Mahavir Institute of Engineering and Technology (MIET)

  The Neotia University

  Kurukshetra University

  Bhabha University

  Delhi College of Technology and Management

  Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University for Women

  Central Institute of Plastics Engineering and Technology Raipur

  Arulmigu Kalasalingam College of Engineering

  NIT Agartala

  Gauhati University Institute of Science and Technology

  NIT Meghalaya

  Vinayaka Missions University (VMU)

  IIITDM Kancheepuram

  Shri Krishna University

  Indian Maritime University Kolkata

  GB Pant Government Engineering College

  Mepco Schlenk Engineering College

  Camellia School of Engineering and Technology

  Jawaharlal Nehru Government Engineering College

  RR Institutions

  Pratap University

  Rajarajeswari College of Engineering

  Thakur Institute of Aviation Technology

  Gandhi Engineering College (GEC)

  Kumaraguru College of Technology

  IIIT Sonepat

  University Visvesvaraya College of Engineering

  Central Institute of Technology Kokrajhar

  St. Francis Institute of Technology

  Baba Hira Singh Bhattal Institute of Engineering and Technology

  CT Group of Institutions

  VELS Institute of Science Technology and Advanced Studies

  JK Lakshmipat University (JKLU)

  Basaveshwar Engineering College

  GMR Institute of Technology

  Nirma University

  Amity institute of Telecom Engineering and Management Noida

  Nalanda College of Engineering

  OM Sterling Global University

  Hooghly Engineering and Technology College

  NM Institute of Engineering and Technology (NMIET)

  Einstein Academy of Technology and Management

  Loknayak Jai Prakash Institute of Technology

  Mody University

  Mizoram University

  William Carey University

  CVR College Of Engineering

  Paradise Institute of Technology

  Acharaya NG Ranga Agricultural University

  BLDEA's V P Dr PG Halakatti College of Engineering and Technology

  BMS College of Engineering

  College of Engineering Pathanapuram

  NIT Arunachal Pradesh

  OP Jindal University

  Medi-Caps University

  Techno International New Town

  Maa Saraswati Institute of Engineering and Technology

  Radha Govind University

  Jawaharlal Nehru Engineering College

  PES College of Engineering Mandya

  Shrinathji Institute of Technology and Engineering

  Maharishi Markandeshwar University Solan

  Parala Maharaja Engineering College

  Amity School of Engineering

  Himgiri Zee University

  Mahatma Jyoti Rao Phoole University

  Sri Venkateswara University (SVU)

  G.H. Patel College of Engineering and Technology

  Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University

  Goduati Engineering College For Women

  JRE Group of Institutions

  Synergy Institute of Engineering and Technology

  Adarsha College of Engineering

  Sanskriti University

  BRCM College of Engineering and Technology

  Sant Baba Bhag Singh University

  EMAX Group of Institutions

  Noida Institute of Engineering And Technology

  KVG College of Engineering

  Vedang Institute of Technology

  Bundelkhand University (BU) Jhansi

  Madhav University

  Gurgaon Institute of Technology and Management

  MVN University

  Kerala University

  Government Engineering College Modasa

  PSNA College Of Engineering and Technology

  Future Institute of Technology

  NIT Puducherry

  Harcourt Butler Technical University

  Noida International University

  Shri Jagdishprasad Jhabarmal Tibrewala University

  National Power Training Institute

  Ajay Binay Institute of Technology

  Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya

  Institute of Advanced Studies in Education

  IIIT Kottayam

  Jorhat Engineering College

  Alpha College of Engineering and Technology

  Rajasthan Technical University

  Gurugram University

  Sri Kaliswari Institute of Management and Technology

  Bundelkhand Institute of Engineering and Technology

  Bhagwant University

  Mahatma Gandhi Mission's College of Engineering and Technology

  Dayananda Sagar Institutions

  Mohammad Ali Jauhar University

  Hindustan Institute of Engineering Technology Chennai

  ICFAI Foundation for Higher Education

  University of Allahabad

  Gurunanak Institute of Technology

  Vishveshwarya Group of Institutions

  GITA Bhubaneswar

  Katihar Engineering College

  DAV University

  Goa University

  Sage University

  University College of Engineering Osmania University

  St. Thomas College of Engineering and Technology

  University of Agricultural Sciences Raichur

  Khaja Bandanawaz College of Engineering

  NIT Imphal

  Sri Venkateswara University College of Engineering

  Arunachal University of Studies

  Indus University

  Indian Institute of Aeronautics

  Techno India Salt Lake

  VIT AP University

  Symbiosis Institute of Technology

  Samrat Ashok Technological Institute

  Government Engineering College Kushalnagar

  Saheed Mahilal Institute

  Selaqui Academy of Higher Education

  College of Food and Dairy Technology

  BS Abdur Rahman University

  Jagannath University

  NIIT University

  Assam Down Town University

  PDA College of Engineering Gulbarga

  Maharaja Institute of Technology

  IIMT College of Engineering

  SRM University (SRM) Kanchipuram

  Sree Chitra Thirunal College of Engineering

  Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women

  Amrita School of Engineering

  Aliah University

  ITM University Gwalior

  Jodhpur National University

  Mewar University

  North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology

  Uttaranchal University

  Institute of Technology and Marine Engineering (ITME) Kolkata

  Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management and Engineering

  MKSSS's Cummins College of Engineering For Women

  JSS Science and Technology University

  The Oxford College of Engineering

  Guru Jambheshwar University of Science and Technology

  KC College of Hotel Management subjects

  National Council for Cement and Building Materials

  Sri Satya Sai University of Technology and Medical Sciences

  Guru Nanak Dev University

  Institute of Engineering and Management

  Cluster Innovation Centre, University of Delhi

  JLD Engineering and Management College

  Nehru Gram Bharti University

  Walchand Institute Of Technology

  Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology

  College of Engineering Aranmula

  Arni University

  Pondicherry Engineering College

  Bhubaneswar Engineering College (BEC)

  JSS Academy of Technical Education

  Vaish College of Engineering

  IIIT Surat

  D.Y. Patil College of Engineering

  College of Technology and Engineering Udaipur

  Dr. M.G.R Educational and Research Institute

  Maharishi University of Information Technology

  Feroze Gandhi Institute of Engineering and Technology

  Koneru Lakshmaiah Education Foundation

  Cochin University of Science and Technology

  Don Bosco Institute of Technology

  Manav Rachna University

  Nagarjuna College of Engineering and Technology

  C.V. Raman College of Engineering

  Shri Vaishnav Vidyapeeth Vishwavidyalaya

  Central University of Kashmir

  Vivekananda College of Engineering and Technology

  Sophitorium Engineering College

  Krupajal Engineering College (KEC)

  Quantum University

  University of Jammu

  Al-Falah University

  Shri Ram Polytechnic

  Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University

  Gandhi Institute of Technology and Management Bhubaneswar (GITAM)

  Government Engineering College Raipur

  Sir M. Visvesvaraya Institute of Technology

  Jamia Hamdard

  Dr. BR Ambedkar Institute of Technology

  NIT Srinagar

  Sushant University

  Institute of Aircraft Maintenance Engineering

  Avantika University

  Manav Rachna International Institute of Reserch and Studies

  NIT Surathkal

  Plaksha University

  Swami Rama Himalayan University

  Poornima University

  NIT Uttarakhand

  Southern College of Engineering and Technology Chalakkudy

  Sardarkrushinagar Dantiwada Agricultural University

  Siddaganga Institute of Technology

  IIIT Una

  LBS College of Engineering

  Premier College of Arts Commerce Science and Management Studies

  Sardar Patel Institute of Technology

  Malout Institute of Management and Information Technology

  Jaya Group of Institutions

  Banasthali Vidyapith

  Chitkara University Patiala

  Dayananda Sagar College of Management and Information Technology

  Manipal Institute of Technology

  Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya

  Bhartiya College of Agriculture and Agricultural Engineering

  Coimbatore Institute of Technology

  Birsa Institute of Technology

  Hemnalini Memorial College of Engineering

  Modern Institute of Technology and Management (MITM)

  Bhubaneswar Institute of Technology (BIT)

  Saharsa College of Engineering

  DY Patil International University

  Himachal Pradesh Technical University (HPTU)

  Techno Global University

  G. H. Raisoni College of Engineering

  Narula Institute of Technology

  Shyam University

  Velagapudi Ramakrishna Siddhartha Engineering College

  SASTRA University

  Yashwantrao Chavan School of Rural Development

  ITM University Raipur

  The Northcap University (NCU)

  Academy of Carver Aviation Pvt Ltd

  Pailan College of Management and Technology (PCMT)

  Rayat Bahara Royal Institute of Management and Technology

  ARKA Jain University

  Guru Gobind Singhji Institute of Engineering and Technology

  Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology Kotayam

  University of Engineering and Management Jaipur

  Chitkara University Solan

  Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology

  Zakir Husain College of Engineering and Technology

  Integral University

  Birla Institute of Technology

  Panjab University

  Shiv Nadar University (SNU)

  Samalkha group of institutions

  Gujarat Maritime University

  KCT Engineering College Gulbarga

  Adamas University

  Sundargarh Engineering College

  Oxford College of Engineering and Management

  The Glocal University

  Satyug Darshan Institute of Engineering and Technology

  Rabindranath Tagore University

  The Technological Institute of Textile and Sciences

  Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam

  Ambedkar Institute of Advanced Communication Technologies and Research

  Maharaja Engineering College

  Camellia Institute of Technology and Management

  Atal Bihari Vajpayee Government Institute of Engineering and Technology

  Ambition Institute of Technology Varanasi

  Black Diamond College of Engineering and Technology

  JECRC University

  Delhi Institute of Technology and Management

  Rai University

  Savitribai Phule Pune University

  Government Engineering College Valsad

  Noorul Islam Centre For Higher Education

  Elitte Institute of Engineering and Management

  IIIT Kota

  College of Technology

  Rama University

  IFTM University

  Techno India University

  Orissa Engineering College

  Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management

  South Point Institute of Technology and Management

  IIITDM Kurnool

  Lalbhai Dalpatbhai College of Engineering

  Graphic Era University

  Government Engineering College Ajmer

  Indus International University

  Lingaya's Vidyapeeth

  Bakhtiyarpur College of Engineering

  Bengal Institute of Technology

  Thadomal Shahani Engineering College

  College of Engineering Chennai

  KLE Dr. MS Sheshgiri College of Engineering and Technology

  Arya College of Engineering and IT Jaipur

  Rai Technology University

  Mahatma Gandhi Central University

  Techno International

  Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University

  Gandhi Institute of Excellent Technocrats

  Institute of Engineering and Technology Lucknow

  Xavier university (XUB)

  Dibrugarh University

  Assam Don Bosco University

  Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology

  Siliguri Institute of Technology

  Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Science and Technology of Kashmir

  J.N.N Institute of Engineering

  NIT Raipur

  Dharamsinh Desai University

  North East Frontier Technical University

  ISBM Nande

  Flytech Aviation Academy

  Tula's Institute

  Centurian University of Technology and Management Vishakhapatnam

  School of Aeronautics

  Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya

  NSS College of Engineering

  Rajadhani Institute of Engineering and Technology

  JB Institute of Technology

  Indian Institute of Food Processing Technology

  BVM Engineering College

  Budge Budge Institute of Technology

  Jaypee Institute of Information Technology

  Asansol Engineering College

  OmDayal Group of Institutions

  Central Leather Research Institute

  Faculty of Management Studies and Research Aligarh Muslim University

  Marwadi University

  JNTUK University College of Engineering

  Jalpaiguri Government Engineering College

  University of Mumbai

  Jaipur National University

  NIT Jamshedpur

  Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth

  Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth

  National Institute of Management and Technology

  Centurion University

  Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology

  GSFC University

  PES College of Engineering

  Jagannath Institute Of Engineering and Technology (JIET)

  The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda

  Ch Devi Lal State Institute of Engineering and Technology

  Baddi University of Emerging Sciences and Technology

  Tamil Nadu Agricultural University

  Tripura Institute of Technology

  University Institute Of Technology Burdwan

  JIS School of Polytechnic

  IIIT Manipur

  Vivekanand Education Society's Institute of Technology

  NIT Warangal

  St Xavier’s Technical Institute

  Shri Venkateshwara University

  Fr Conceicao Rodrigues College of Engineering

  N M Institute of Engineering and Technology

  Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel University of Agriculture and Technology

  MKM College of Polytechnic

  IIIT Ranchi

  Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of Engineering

  MLV Textile and Engineering College

  BITS Institute of Physiotherapy

  Jaypee University

  Gaya College of Engineering

  Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI)

  DIT University

  ICFAI University Hyderabad

  Jayoti Vidyapeeth Women's University

  Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology

  Chennai Institute of Technology Chennai

  Gokul Global University

  Central University of Tamil Nadu

  HKE Society's SLN College of Engineering

  Shibani Institute of Technical Education (SITE)

  Koustuv Institute of Self Domain (KISD)

  Bhagwant Global University

  Punjab Agricultural University

  PDM University

  Haryana Engineering College

  Dr. D. Y. Patil Biotechnology and Bioinformatics Institute

  SRM University (SRM) Amravati

  Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya

  SJC Institute of Technology

  NIT Patna

  Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Anantapur

  NIT Mizoram

  Indraprasth Institute of Aeronautics

  Amity University Gwalior

  Gandhi Institute of Technology and Management

  NIT Rourkela

  Shri Govindram Seksaria Institute of Technology and Science

  Government Engineering College Chamarajanagar

  Dr Rammanohar Lohia Avadh University

  Sardar Bhagwan Singh Post Graduate Institute of Biomedical Science

  IIITDM Jabalpur

  Regional Institute of Aviation

  CSJM Kanpur University

  University College of Engineering

  IIIT Tiruchirappalli

  Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Technology for Women

  Karavali College

  Alpha College of Engineering

  Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College

  RK University

  Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS)

  College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology

  BP Poddar Institute of Management and Technology

  East West Institute of Technology

  NIT Calicut

  MIT ADT University

  Baba Farid Group of Institutions

  Gayatri Vidya Parishad College of Engineering

  Shantilal Shah Engineering College

  Seacom Engineering College

  Modern Engineering and Management Studies (MEMS)

  Bhubaneswar Institute of Industrial Technology

  Buddha Institute of Technology

  Centurion University of Technolgy and Management (CUTM) Bhubaneswar

  The Gandhigram Rural Institute

  Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences

  Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology

  Modern Institute of Engineering and Technology

  IIMT University

  Rajeev Gandhi Memorial College of Engineering and Technology

  Institute of Chemical Technology (ICT)

  College of Engineering Poonjar

  Sri Sai University

  Vignan University

  Mansarovar Global University

  Department of Management Kongu Engineering College

  World College of Technology and Management

  Netaji Subhas University

  Government College of Engineering Karad

  Malnad College of Engineering

  Amity University Gurugram

  Career Point University (CPU) Hamirpur

  College of Engineering and Technology

  Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT)

  Government College of Technology

  Heritage Institute of Technology

  Aligarh Muslim University (AMU)

  East Point College of Engineering and Technology

  M.S. Engineering College Banglore

  Symbiosis International University

  Pacific Academy of Higher Education and Research

  Maratha Mandal's Engineering College

  Suddhananda Engineering and Research Centre

  Nigam Institute of Engineering and Technology (NIET)

  Swami Vivekananda Subharti University

  Shaheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies

  Shree Guru Gobind Singh Tricentenary University

  Bharat Institute of Technology and Management

  NIT Manipur

  Netaji Subhas University of Technology

  K. S. Rangasamy College of Technology

  Calcutta Institute of Technology

  Rajiv Gandhi Government Engineering College

  Regional Institute of Paramedical and Nursing Sciences

  ICFAI University Jaipur

  Bhubaneswar College of Engineering (BCE)

  Maharishi Arvind University

  BITS College of Polytechnic

  Jagan Nath University

  University of Hyderabad

  Government Engineering College Patan

  National Engineering College

  Dumkal Institute of Engineering and Technology

  Tripura University

  Ujjain Engineering College

  REVA University

  Sikkim Manipal University (SMU)

  Kalyani University

  Kerala Agricultural University

  Godavari Institute of Engineering and Technology (GIET)

  Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology

  IIIT Dharwad

  College of Engineering Kottarakkara

  Assam Engineering College

  Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj University

  Government Engineering College Jhalawar

  NRI Group of Institutions

  Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology and Management

  Bengal Institute of Technology and Management

  Shobhit University

  Chandigarh University

  Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education

  Gandhi Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar

  Andhra University

  Uttarakhand Technical University

  Gargi Memorial Institute of Technology Campus

  Institute of Applied Medicines and Research

  Gandhi Institute for Technology (GIFT)

  BP Mandal College of Engineering

  Usha Martin University

  Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University

  PP Savani University

  NIT Goa

  Saroj Mohan Institute of Technology

  Sardar Krushinagar Dantiwada Agricultural University

  Government Tool Room and Training Centre Bangalore

  NIT Silchar

  Women’s Technical Education and Research Institute

  Sambhram Institute of Technology

  National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE)

  Padmanava College of Engineering (PCE)

  Annex College of Management Studies Kolkata

  Basantika Institute of Engineering and Technology

  Acharya Nagarjuna University Bangalore

  Madhav Institute of Technology and Science (MITS)

  The National Institute of Engineering

  Global Institute of Management and Emerging Technologies

  MIT group of institutes

  Government College of Engineering Srirangam

  Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research

  Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University

  Institute of Engineering and Technology Alwar

  Andhra University College of Engineering for Women

  Dayalbagh Educational Institute

  University School of Biotechnology Delhi

  Ganga Institute of Technology and Management

  Symbiosis Skills and Open University

  Kle's Kle College of Engineering and Technology

  The Techno School

  AMC Engineering College

  ICFAI University Dehradun

  Kamaraj College of Engineering and Technology

  Birla Institute of Technology (BIT Mesra)

  SR University

  Sanjay Ghodawat University

  SDM College of Engineering and Technology

  Gopal Krishna College of Engineering and Technology

  Hindustan University

  Ch Ranvir Singh State Institute of Engineering and Technology

  St. Joseph University

  North Eastern Hill University

  Cochin Institute of Science and Technology

  Government Engineering College Palanpur

  Institute of Jute Technology

  Jakir Hossain Institute of Polytechnic

  NIT Karnataka

  Vishwakarma Institute of Technology

  NIT Tiruchirappalli

  Shoolini University

  NIT Delhi

  Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya

  Lakshmi Narain College of Technology

  Avinashilingam University

  IIIT Pune

  Govind Ballabh Pant Institute of Engineering and Technology

  Government women Engineering College Ajmer

  I.K. Gujral Punjab Technical University

  Era University

  Muzaffarpur Institute of Technology

  IIIT Bangalore

  CMR Institute of Technology

  JIS College of Engineering

  KL University (KLU)

  Manipal University (MU) Jaipur

  Institute of Clinical Research India (ICRI) Jaipur

  Apex Professional University

  Hemvati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University

  Smt. Kamala and Sri Venkappa M Agadi College of Engineering and Technology

  Satyasai Engineering College

  Indotech College of Engineering

  Shri Guru Ram Rai University

  Gauhati University

  KK University

  St. Andrews Institute of Technology and Management

  Vardhaman College of Engineering

  Academy of Technology

  Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel University of Agriculture and Technology

  Sri Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering

  Bangalore Institute of Technology

  YSR Engineering College of Yogi Vemana University

  Kalinga University

  BSE Institute Limited

  Indira Institute of Aircraft Engineering

  St. Peter's College

  Maharashi Markandeshwar University (MMU)

  Dr. BR Ambedkar National Institute of Technology

  Pravara Rural Engineering College

  University College of Engineering Thodupuzha

  Amrita School of Business Amritapuri

  Dev Bhoomi Group of Institutions

  RCC Institute of Information Technology

  Shri Ramswaroop Memorial University

  Jaypee University of Information Technology

  Thakur College of Engineering and Technology

  Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam University Indore

  College of Engineering Trivandrum

  IIIT Sri City

  Model Engineering College

  HR Institute of Technology

  RR Institute of Technology

  Shaheed Bhagat Singh State Technical Campus

  VITS Engineering College

  Ajeenkya DY Patil University

  Mangalayatan University

  Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya

  Vivekananda Global University

  Delhi Technological University (DTU)

  Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology

  National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST)

  Acharya NG Ranga Agricultural University

  JNTUA College of Engineering

  KMBB College of Engineering and Technology

  Aryan Institute of Engineering and Technology Bhubnaeswar

  YMCA University of Science and Technology

  Swami Vivekanand University

  Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University

  GH Raisoni University

  Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology

  Minerva Polytechnic

  YBN University

  Muffakham Jah College of Engineering and Technology

  Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology

  College of Engineering Chengannur

  Mohamed Sathak AJ College of Engineering

  Bhagalpur College of Engineering

  Konark Institute of Science and Technology (KIST)

  Jawaharlal Nehru National College of Engineering

  Swami Devi Dayal Institute of Pharmacy

  The Indira Gandhi Technological and Medical Sciences University

  Government College Of Engineering Aurangabad

  Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology

  D Y Patil University

  Lovely Professional University (LPU)

  Government College of Engineering

  Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology

  Ghousia College of Engineering

  Guru Kashi University

  SunRise University

  Centurion University of Technology and Management Paralakhemundi

  Indian School of Mines University Dhanbad

  BS Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology

  Maulana Azad University

  Mysore College of Engineering and Management

  Central Agricultural University (CAU)

  Nalanda Institute of Technology

  JIS University

  Maharshi Dayanand University (MDU)

  MATS University

  Karnal Institute of Polytechnic

  RMK Engineering College

  Government Engineering College Bilaspur

  Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology

  The LNM Institute of Information Technology

  Goa College of Engineering

  NIT Sikkim

  Career Point University (CPU) Kota

  Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science

  Pune Institute of Aviation Technology

  Shree Ram Institute of Technical Education

  Peoples University

  Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU)

  Ch. BP Government Engineering College

  Madras Institute Of Technology

  Dream Institute of Technology

  National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology Imphal

  Shri Sant Gajanan Maharaj College Of Engineering

  KLE Technological University

  IEC University

  Graphic Era Hill University

  School of Aviation Science and Technology

  College of Engineering Bhubaneswar

  Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University

  IIIT Lucknow

  Government Engineering College Sreekrishnapuram

  S S Agrawal College

  Amity University Mumbai

  M B M Engineering College

  Neotech Institute of Technology

  Nadgir Institute of Engineering and Technology

  Department of of Management kongu Engineering College

  VP Dr. PG Halakatti College of Engineering and Technology

  DY Patil University

  Bannari Amman Institute of Technology

  Sobhasaria Engineering College Sikar

  Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology (VSSUT)

  Jabalpur Engineering College

  Neotia Institute of Technology

  RadhaKrishna Institute of Technology and Engineering (RITE)

  Eastern Academy of Science and Technology

  Supaul College of Engineering

  Vishwakarma University

  Dr. Yashwant Singh Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry

  The Assam Kaziranga University

  Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU)

  Santiniketan Institute of Polytechnic

  Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University

  KLS Gogte Institute of Technology

  Thiagarajar College of Engineering

  Walchand College of Engineering

  Bangalore College of Engineering and Technology

  ITM Vocational University

  Alpine Institute of Aeronautics

  Amity University Raipur

  Rohitash Institute of Technology

  Adichunchanagiri University

  Rajarambapu Institute of Technology

  Institute of Management and Technology Punnapra

  HRIT Group of Institutions

  Indian Agricultural Research Institute

  Central Institute of Plastics Engineering and Technology

  Atal Bihari Vajpayee Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management

  Galgotias University

  Haldia Institute of Technology

  Siksha 'O' Anusandhan University (SOA)

  Swami Vivekananda Institute of Science and Technology

  Central University of Jammu

  The Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India University Ranchi

  Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology

  TempleCity Institute of Technology and Engineering (TITE)

  Bhadrak Institute of Engineering and Technology

  Rayat Bahra University

  Biju Patnaik University of Technology Rourkela

  Royal Global University (RGU)

  St Joseph's College Of Engineering

  Sai Nath University

  University BDT College of Engineering

  Vijayanjali Institute of Technology (VIT)

  Ghanashyam Hemalata Institute of Technology and Management (GHITM)

  Tantia University

  University Institute of Engineering and Technology

  Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology

  GB Pant University of Agriculture and Technology

  Government Engineering College Bharuch

  Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering

  IMPS College of Engineering and Technology

  Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture Technology and Sciences

  Tatyasaheb Kore Institute of Engineering and Technology

  Shanmugha Arts Science Technology and Research Academy

  University of Engineering and Management

  Future Institute of Engineering and Management

  Karnataka Veterinary Animal and Fisheries Sciences University

  K.K. Wagh College of Agriculture

  Janta Polytechnic

  IIIT Nagpur

  Babasaheb Naik College of Engineering

  Government Engineering College Baran

  Sardar Bhagwan Singh University

  Dr. CV Raman University (CVRU)

  Indian Institute of Carpet Technology

  Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies Mumbai

  Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering

  Netaji Subhash Engineering College

  Indian Institute of Science

  Malaviya National Institute of Technology (MNIT)

  Institute of Clinical Research India (ICRI) Delhi

  Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan University

  Manipur University

  Aryabhatta Institute of Engineering and Management

  Roland Institute of Technology (RIT)

  Hi-Tech College of Engineering

  Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology

  Dr. KN Modi University

  Assam University

  The Assam Royal Global University

  Sri Sai Ram Engineering College

  The New Horizons Institute of Technology

  Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology

  Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College of Engineering and Technology

  NIT Hamirpur

  Andhra University College of Engineering

  ICFAI University Raipur

  UKA Tarsadia University

  Sardar Patel University

  St. Mary's Technical Campus Kolkata

  Dr. CV Raman University Bihar

  MVJ College of Engineering

  Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering

  Government Tool Room and Training Centre

  KK Wagh Education Society

  Uttaranchal Institute of Technology

  Ramkrishna Mission Shilpapitha

  Indian Institute of Information Technology Design and Manufacturing

  Jawaharlal Nehru Architecture and Fine Arts University

  Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute

  Alliance University

  Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology

  Asansol Institute of Engineering and Management Polytechnic

  IIIT Vadodara

  Pune Vidhyarthi Griha's College of Engineering and Technology

  Government Sri Krishnarajendra Silver Jubilee Technological Institute

  Galaxy Global Group of Institutions

  HKBK College of Engineering

  Giani Zail Singh Campus College of Engineering and Technology

  Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr. Sagunthala R and D Institute of Science and Technology

  Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology (DA-IICT)

  Bahra University

  Veerappa Nisty Engineering College

  Christ University

  Amity University Lucknow

  Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya

  Sree Vidyanikethan Engineering College

  Sandip University

  Bengal College of Engineering and Technology

  SGT University

  Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University

  Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram University of Science and Technology

  Eternal University

  Anand Agricultural University

  Vinayaka Missions Kirupananda Variyar Engineering College

  Vallurupalli Nageswara Rao Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology

  Mallabhum Institute of Technology

  ICFAI University Agartala

  Koneru Lakshmaiah College of Engineering

  IIIT Hyderabad

  Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University

  Maharaja Agrasen University

  National Dairy Research Institute (NDRI)

  Western India Institute of Aeronautics

  Faculty of Engineering and Technology (Jadavpur University)

  DPG Institute of Technology and Management

  IIIT Bhagalpur

  Government College of Engineering Amravati

  Government Engineering College Bharatpur

  Vidhyadeep Institute of Engineering and Technology

  Jagadambha College of Engineering and Technology

  Institute of Management and Information Technology

  SRM Institute of Science and Technology

  Desh Bhagat University

  Dwarkadas J Sanghvi College of Engineering

  Punjab Engineering College

  CMJ University

  B.V.B. College of Engineering and Technology

  PK University

  Central University of Jharkhand

  Shaikh College of Engineering and Technology

  Srinix College of Engineering

  Raajdhani Engineering College

  Seacom Skills University

  Rajiv Gandhi University

  Shri Rawatpura Sarkar University

  Yamuna Polytechnic for Engineering

  National Institute of Foundry and Forge Technology(NIFFT)

  Government Engineering College Jagdalpur

  Arulmigu Meenakshi Amman College of Engineering

  BMS Institute of Technology and Management

  Kirodimal Institute of Technology

  NIT Nagaland

  Baba Mastnath University

  Saveetha University

  JRN Institute of Aviation Technology

  Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University

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